Writing workshops

Writing our stories down in a journal can be therapeutic, healing, and illuminating. Journaling gives us the opportunity to pause, reflect, and put down in words how we feel right now, and what we think about things going on in our lives.

Sharing our personal stories with others is an act of profound courage. There’s not much that makes us feel more vulnerable than exposing our thoughts and feelings to others in a creative form like memoir, poetry, or artwork.

That’s why most of us never even try. The fear of being judged can be paralyzing.

About my writing workshops

I offer professionally facilitated workshops that provide a safe, supportive space where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and self-expression through written and spoken word. Through positive and constructive feedback, you can find and empower your own voice and build effective communication skills, while learning from and helping others.

There’s no magical technique or class that lets you skip the hard work of getting better through practice and feedback.

A workshop is where you can do that hard work in a safe and supportive space. Each workshop will include instruction in a particular technique or skill, followed by writing time and constructive feedback.

To arrange for your own single-session or ongoing workshop, or to join one of my existing ongoing workshops, contact me.

About your facilitator

Peter (that’s me) is an award winning author and leadership coach. I’ve been working on my writing skills for more than four decades, and I’ve published four novels and a chapter book in addition to poetry, short stories, and numerous professional articles on a wide range of topics. In 2023 I started Gray Bear Publications and published a book of photography and poetry with my partner, and the sequel will be published in 2024 along with a multi-author book on compassion fatigue.

I’ve facilitated writing and self-publishing workshops and serve on board of directors of the San Francisco Writers Conference as a board member at large.

Here are some of the places I’ve been quoted or published:

Team and private group workshops

I am happy to customize my workshops for business teams, clubs, families, and social groups.

  • Business teams focus on powerful communications appropriate to the workplace. Learn key writing techniques to focus attention, clarify message, eliminate ambiguity, and empower your voice. From a single session to a multi-session series, I will customize the lessons, prompts, and exercises to your needs.
  • Social groups, families, and clubs will have fun together while also building skills, creating deeper and more enduring bonds, and supporting each other on a whole new level. Sharing stories creates empathy and understanding that lasts long past the end of the workshop. Whether your group wants a single session or a series, I can design the workshop for you.