Easy is not always quick: leave time for watering the goats
Watering the goats is easy, but it takes far longer than you expect. Always account for how long the “easy” tasks are really going to take.
Watering the goats is easy, but it takes far longer than you expect. Always account for how long the “easy” tasks are really going to take.
You always need an action plan because intention and inspiration have a half-life. An intention means nothing if you don’t follow through on it. An action plan is how you follow through. On Sunday, I helped the attendees at the San Francisco Writers Conference create their action plan after four Read more…
There is no bad weather. Only bad clothing. This is a useful metaphor for most of life, and something to remember on this Election Day.
The “oreo” method of feedback only works when there’s trust. Otherwise, people will discard anything you say before the “but.”
Choosing grievance does not build a culture of trust. Here are five simple, everyday behaviors that build trust in your organization.
The terms “unity” and “consensus” are often used to sugar-coat exclusion. Empathy is at the root of true unification and consensus building.
Success in business builds ego, but that self-assuredness can be the downfall of an otherwise good leader.
A resilient team embraces change and doesn’t fear turnover. Here are five characteristics of highly resilient teams.
Don’t throw away the light bulb because it showed you an uncomfortable truth. Transparency doesn’t build trust. Transparency creates awareness; actions build trust.
Leaders need to understand the four basic types of motivation and how they can exploit them all to get their teams moving forward.