Your perfectionism may be driving your employees to mediocrity. Don’t rewrite their work.
I saw a meme yesterday which called proper spelling and grammar “colonial rules that were forcibly ingrained upon us and which exist to invisibly reinforce hierarchy.”
As with many memes, this is a truth overstated.
It’s true in that “professionalism” is often used as a cudgel to beat down brilliant people who don’t fit the white, patriarchal mold.
Grammar, usage, spelling, and vocabulary can be one of those false “professionalism” yardsticks that give privileged people permission to judge and dismiss others who don’t fit their mold.
The rest of the meme: it’s all about clarity
That meme also called out the ultimate goal in any interpersonal communication: clarity of meaning.
If the meaning is clear and the communication effective, focusing on grammar and spelling is not only pointless but potentially damaging.
Speaking as the guy who is always the proofreader in any organization, who edited my own novels, who leads writing workshops… I completely agree.
In fact, I wrote about this five years ago as part of my Editing Pony series on effective writing, when I was managing a team at a Fortune 50 company.
I’ll be reposting selected posts from that series here from time to time, as they provide practical and useful advice on effective writing, especially in a business setting.
Here’s that particular post, mildly edited.

Why you shouldn’t rewrite other people’s work
All kinds of business documents come through your inbox, written by others and given to you to pass along to management, decision makers, or others. When I get these, I always proofread them. After all, my reputation may be affected by it even though I’m not the author.
My team are all good writers, but every document can be improved.
Here are some edits that may occur to you as you review.
- You’ve got all the detail this needs, but I’d lead with the third paragraph.
- You effectively illustrate the main point, but I’d use a different example.
- The chart conveys the relevant data, but there’s not enough narrative around it.
Only one of those four is helpful.
If you didn’t say the last one, then I’m not sure we can be friends anymore.
Keep your meddling paws off it—don’t rewrite!
What do the first three have in common that make them not just unhelpful but actually counterproductive?
In each, you’ve acknowledged that the communication does its job, but your ego has declared, “That’s not the way I would say it.”
You now have a choice:
- Approve the document with minor edits
- Rewrite the document the way you would have written it
If you’re unsure, here’s a handy flowchart:

The objective of business communication is to communicate business things.
If the document does its job and is not grossly offensive in how it presents itself, then leave it alone.
It’s okay to make minor edits—clarify where necessary, fix basic usage and grammar, spell-check—but do not rewrite.
What’s wrong with making it better?
Rewriting a document that is already competently written does not actually make it better. Rewriting accomplishes only negative things:
- You waste your own time.
- You make the author feel their time was wasted.
- You make the author feel their voice is unheard and their work unappreciated.
- You confuse people about who now “owns” the document. It’s no longer the original author’s, but it’s not yours either. Who responds to questions?
And probably most important of all:
- You set yourself up to get crap that needs to be rewritten in the future. Who wants to put a ton of work into something they know you’re just going to rewrite anyway?
Knowing the difference is good leadership
Certainly, some documents need to be rewritten.
A draft written by an engineer may need to be reformed in the corporate voice, for example. This is where professional communicators come in. That’s called teamwork.
I’ve drafted presentations that weren’t at all what my boss wanted because we didn’t get the objectives clear in advance. It happens. My boss corrected me, and I started over.
Knowing the difference is where the wisdom of a good leader comes in.
How important is this, really?
This may seem like a petty thing, not worthy of my weekly blog post. But it’s actually pretty important.
The drive to rewrite or rebuild your subordinates’ work is a symptom of control-based micromanagement, not leadership.
You may rationalize it under the name of quality, but more likely it is a limiting perfectionism that contributes to disengagement and quiet quitting.
You’re driving your employees into mediocrity under the banner of perfectionism.
So when you feel the need to rework something that someone else created, pause a beat and check the handy flowchart above.
Are you really fixing something that’s broken, or are you just imposing your style onto something that is just fine on its own?
Courageous, clear, powerful communication
As a lifelong writer, I care deeply about quality writing. I’ve gotten pretty good at it, though like everyone I have better days and worse days.
I invite you to join my workshop, Courage Writing. In it, I’ll help you find and harness your voice to bring more courage, quality, and impact to your writing. Whether that’s personal, business, or something else.
Contact me with questions or if you’d like to learn more.

JT · August 20, 2024 at 3:18 pm
THIS! Your post is exactly what I was looking for. I’m at the mercy of someone who rewrites everything I create. After two years of struggling at my company, I realized that no matter how hard I try–or how much experience and expertise I have as a writer–that my boss’ boss wants everything in his voice. Our MARCOM department is more like a mill than a place where effective creative is born. So thank you for this blog post!
Peter · August 21, 2024 at 8:30 am
Oof, I feel for you. What a waste of everyone’s time and effort. It would be discouraging for sure.
Ruby · September 26, 2024 at 4:32 pm
This is exactly what I deal with almost daily. Under my previous manager I had zero issues with my work. Under new management, the boss’ right hand literally redoes everything I do then sends it to her for approval. I have become disengaged from a 15 year career with this company. Instead of actively participating I simply take orders. Unfulfilling work indeed.
Peter · September 26, 2024 at 4:37 pm
That is a downer! Managers criticize employees for “quiet quitting,” but usually it’s some sort of disengaging behavior like you describe. 🙁
Belle · November 11, 2024 at 5:05 am
My boss does this. I’m the type of person who believes that if something gets the job done, it should be left alone. However, I’ve been told that if I don’t provide feedback or make edits, it’s seen as a lack of engagement. I’ve received coaching on this, and it has significantly diminished my confidence while working here.
It’s not that feedback is inherently bad, but often the changes made seem to be more about asserting dominance or demonstrating “value,” as my boss puts it. I wish my work could simply speak for itself without being altered constantly, especially since he tends to overcomplicate everything.
Peter · November 11, 2024 at 4:42 pm
That’s backwards. “I am changing your perfectly fine thing to show that I am adding value!” That’s not adding value. That’s adding busy work. It takes time away from him that could be spent on something more productive, and it takes time away from you as you then have to make changes that don’t appreciably improve the product. It’s false productivity. It *feels* productive when it’s actually reductive.
Lucy · December 18, 2024 at 11:38 am
Wow! I needed to read this just to keep my sanity. I work for 2 different companies. One, where I’ve worked as a part-time employee for 5 years, follows the advice you gave. It’s a great place to work with dynamic people who happily collaborate, are really invested, and consistently go above and beyond. The other, (sadly working there since I need more hours), is the opposite. Everything gets ‘fixed’ even though it’s a perfectly good product. Even when trying to ‘match’ the voice and visual style of my supervisor, it gets changed and the changes don’t improve anything and often leave me asking, “How is that better?”. It’s demoralizing and drains me of enthusiasm. If I wasn’t also working for the other company, and consistently receiving very positive feedback on my work from their various clients, I would question my abilities and if I was in the right field. All that to say, Thank You for this article. It helped me right the foundering ship of my self-esteem 🙂
Peter · December 18, 2024 at 11:53 am
Thank you for this comment! I feel your pain with the bad company, and I’m so glad to hear you also have the good company. External validation of a job well done is one of the things we all rely on to judge whether others find value in what we do. And that is why I value your comment so much! 🙂
My most-viewed posts, and an unboxing for New Year’s - Gray Bear Coaching LLC · December 31, 2024 at 11:37 am
[…] Your perfectionism may be driving your employees to mediocrity. Don’t rewrite their work.October 6, 2022A real send-up of micromanagement and how it drives your best employees toward mediocrity. […]