Productive play for adults
Productive play is a powerful learning tool for children. Then why don’t adults do it more often? We should. Here’s why.
Productive play is a powerful learning tool for children. Then why don’t adults do it more often? We should. Here’s why.
The terms “unity” and “consensus” are often used to sugar-coat exclusion. Empathy is at the root of true unification and consensus building.
When you have an all-consuming stress in your life, it’s like a stress radio always on in the background. Here are five ways to turn it down.
Last week I leveled up. I am now a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). “But Peter,” you may be asking, “weren’t you already a certified coach?” I was. I achieved the basic ICF certification two years ago (nearly to the day). Since then, I’ve worked with more than 200 clients totaling Read more…
Standing up for yourself is a learnable skill, no matter how you’ve felt in the past. Here are six ways to set yourself up for success.
We are easily manipulated by those who understand our biases and can exploit the way our brains fill in the gaps. Practice truth in the small moments so you can better discern truth when it really counts.
A resilient team embraces change and doesn’t fear turnover. Here are five characteristics of highly resilient teams.
Here are three steps you can do when starting out that will help you not give up when the going gets tough and every little problem seems to be insurmountable.
Tidying up your mental space is as important as tidying up your physical space for good concentration. Here are five ways to do it.
Nothing is permanent. So how do you decide what to take with you when life sends you in another direction?