I’m now an ICF certified coach!
I’ve made five major career changes over 35 years. Becoming an ICF certified coach is the most recent, and I hope final, of these.
I’ve made five major career changes over 35 years. Becoming an ICF certified coach is the most recent, and I hope final, of these.
I am so excited about this new tee shirt, I made a video. It includes audio from 1989, when I produced a radio news show. But that’s not the real point I have.
Crisis brings out the best in us, but often in the worst ways. Sometimes, the reaction that feels most natural to us may in fact cause more harm than good.
Anyone can be a professional life coach. But beware: a coach should have all the right questions, not all the right answers. What experience makes a good coach?
Our everyday choices can be tiny, huge, easy, scary… Choosing courage isn’t always simple. How do you remember to choose courage?
Every 360 degree feedback survey requires honesty
Facebook reminded me that five years ago, I accidentally set myself a goal of trading my burnout for peace of mind and peace of spirit. Still working on that.
We make life choices every day. What role should work to play? Work-life balance is a myth, but you can still design the life you really want.
Join me in walking to raise money to support cancer patients and their families. #WhyIHopeWalk
“No one ever told us parenting would be this hard!” – every parent whose parents did, in fact, tell them that parenting would be this hard Parenting is wonderful. Parenting is hard. Parenting transforms us in ways we never anticipated, and each phase—newborn, toddler, young readers, middle school, teen, and Read more…