Volunteerism comes in all shapes and sizes—giving away your time for free
Saying “I’ll volunteer when my business is off the ground” is like saying “I’ll start coaching youth teams when my kids are grown up.” Now is the time to get involved.
Saying “I’ll volunteer when my business is off the ground” is like saying “I’ll start coaching youth teams when my kids are grown up.” Now is the time to get involved.
Are you most loyal to your past self, to your future self, or to a fictitious self created by other people? The answer should almost always be, “It depends.”
We spend so much time focusing on achievement, financial success, wealth accumulation, and reputation, we often forget how to include play and art in our lives.
Discovering your passion requires self-awareness. Gen X did a terrible job raising our kids in that respect. Plus, free books for you to download!
Our everyday choices can be tiny, huge, easy, scary… Choosing courage isn’t always simple. How do you remember to choose courage?
“No one ever told us parenting would be this hard!” – every parent whose parents did, in fact, tell them that parenting would be this hard Parenting is wonderful. Parenting is hard. Parenting transforms us in ways we never anticipated, and each phase—newborn, toddler, young readers, middle school, teen, and Read more…