Finding Fulfillment
Finding fulfillment is pretty much everyone’s goal, though we may use different words for fulfillment.
It’s a hard thing to nail down, though—what’s ideal for me may be awful for you, and what’s fulfilling for you today may turn uncomfortable tomorrow.
I think that finding fulfillment at its most basic is getting the mix of ambition and contentment just right.
Ambition is a good thing. Without ambition, very little would ever get done.
Contentment is also a good thing, but if you’re constantly seeking contentment, then you’ll never be content.
The sweet spot of fulfillment requires both, blended just so for this particular moment. Finding fulfillment isn’t about discovering the perfect formula; it’s about knowing how and when to adjust the dials to keep the mix in the optimized zone.
This amusing little poem, which I wrote in 2010, feels kind of relevant right now. (It also appears in Relit.)

Finding Contentment
A year ago, the path was clear.
I aimed for There and started Here.
So I went forth without delay
to turn my Here to Far Away.
But as I went, each There became
another Here, each one the same.
At every Here I turned around
to see the last Here that I’d found.
I saw that Now had changed to Then
and wanted to go There again.
But this is Now and Here I’ll stay,
for There is just too Far Away.
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Looking for more fulfillment, joy, or direction in your life? Want to be a more courageous leader? Contemplating a career change? Have a book in you that you need to write? I can help. Schedule a free coaching session now.
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RELIT: How to Rekindle Yourself in the Darkness of Compassion Fatigue gives practical, relevant, actionable advice on avoiding and overcoming compassion fatigue and caregiver burnout. As a professional coach, I have to pay close attention to self-regulation and my own personal resilience. My chapter explains the things I do to stay centered and stay focused so I can give every client my best, every time.
Download my chapter for free: Show up. Try hard. Be nice.